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Jan 24, 2018

In September 2017, podcast co-host Katie Rasoul shared her “idea worth spreading” in a TEDx Talk titled, “Uncovering the High-Achieving Introvert.” Co-host Tegan Trovato does a deep dive interview with Katie about the TEDx Talk, some of the stories and experience that shaped the talk, and how this can be applied...

Jan 16, 2018

The start of a new year can be a time of thoughtful reflection, happy planning and goal setting. Let’s think about what you want to do, not what you think you should do in the new year. Quit “shoulding” yourself already and notice we did not use the “R” word: resolutions! In our first podcast of 2018, we are...

Jan 16, 2018

The holidays can be a really tough time for people for a number of reasons. Typical complaints revolve around specific relatives or family dynamics, too much travel, financial stress, pressure from work to hit annual goals. With so many podcasts and blogs devoted to “surviving the holiday,” we want to challenge you...

Jan 16, 2018

The Life and Leadership Podcast is finally here! Fellow coaches Tegan Trovato and Katie Rasoul are hosting what is going to be an epic podcast, and we hope you will listen in, like, subscribe, and share!

To help introduce ourselves as the hosts and let you know more about the podcast and what to expect, here is our...