Jan 16, 2018
The start of a new year can be a time of thoughtful reflection, happy planning and goal setting. Let’s think about what you want to do, not what you think you should do in the new year. Quit “shoulding” yourself already and notice we did not use the “R” word: resolutions! In our first podcast of 2018, we are happy to bring you our annual reflection and goal setting best practices as well as instructions for how to find your central word, symbol or theme of focus for the year. Wait until you hear how well these things have served us over the years. We know you’ll find something new to experiment as you kick off this new year. Cheers!
Themes explored in this week’s episode:
● What we’ve learned from 15 years of annual reflection and goal
● Personal stories of what some of our annual word selection were
and how they have impacted our life trajectories
● Choosing one word, theme or symbol to focus on for the year helps
you slice through the noise and attract what you want
● How to find one word, theme or symbol to focus on for the
● A daily money gratitude exercise
● How to make plans but remain healthily detached from the
● The value is as much in the process of planning as the actual
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