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Aug 29, 2018

Have you created a Brilliance Margin in your life?

The Brilliance Margin is a self-perceived measure of difference between your brilliance and capabilities to that of someone else. Where a Brilliance Margin exists, so does some kind of paralysis or inaction on our part because we are waiting for someone to give...

Jul 25, 2018

Women Entrepreneurs and Technologists with Nicole Yeary

In this episode we are talking about women entrepreneurs and technologists. Our guest, Nicole Yeary has some amazing stories about how getting laser focused yields real results and how saying yes more often could be a game changer. She shares her High-5 model for...

Jun 20, 2018

In this episode, we talk about Financial Planning, and not just about the nerdy math parts of it, but what really matters to people are growing their careers, their families, and their wealth in the current world. Emily breaks down the components of managing money, including the emotions and varied personal goals that...

May 30, 2018

What does it mean to be personally powerful?

The generic definition goes something like this: the ability to do something or act in a particular way.  Yet we have so many different definitions, ways, and thoughts around power. There’s the internal demonstration of power, which focuses on thoughts, feeling, and...

Apr 25, 2018

In this episode, we talk about Money Mindset! This is different than managing your money, this is really about managing your mindset around money. We are also going to talk about career transformation and finding the bravery and confidence to believe that every next step leads to the right thing on your journey....